Anonymous, Age 68
Please help…I am stuck in a life rut and desperate to change my lifestyle. I hope there is someone out there who can offer some helpful advice. I am shy that’s why my letter is short but I do have a lot to ask and hope you can help me change my life and start enjoying it.
Read the Facebook blog “Elder Orphans”, I think you might find it helpful
Hi, “Shy” Sister…
I’m sure a lot of us want to help you out but are “stumped” by lack of information about yourself….
Look at it this way: You’ve got LOTS of privacy as you are not being SEEN or HEARD! We can’t contact you directly but if your WRITE as much as you want about yourself and your “challenge,” we probably would be able to offer different suggestions that might help you out. Give it a shot!
We’re waiting and rootin’ for ya!
HI – do you have a friend you could work with on a plan?
I usually start by thinking about what I would like to do (how I want my life to be). Don’t rule anything out even if at first glance you think there is no way you could do that. Once I have a list of the items I would like to start doing I start researching places in my city where I can join a group to do that or take a class. I work on adding one new activity at a time; it could take a month or a year to implement something new.
It is helpful to have someone help in developing your plan and holding you accountable.
Best wishes