Category Archives: Inspiration as we age

Thriving beyond 70 with wisdom and connection

Here is the direct link to the podcast at Restless to Renewed. We, Jane and Ellen were asked by Janice Neely about our decades long friendship, the evolution of our 70Candles project and lessons learned. We hope you enjoy listening … Continue reading

Posted in 70 from other perspectives: looking forward and looking back, 70candles, 70Candles! Gatherings, 70Candles! Gatherings - the experience, About turning 70, Adaptations and accommodations as we age, Ageism anecdotes, Aging, Attitudes about aging, blog, Caretaking, Dealing with loss, Death and dying, Family matters, Goals ahead, Grandparenting, Gratitude and Spirituality, Health, HUMOR, Inspiration as we age, Loneliness, Looking ahead, Men aging, Networking, Nostalgia, Older women connecting, Our bodies, our health, Parenting, Resilience, Turning 80, Where to live, Widows’ choices, Work life and retirement | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments


Anonymous My best friend in high school called last week. We spoke about friends we lost. How some obituaries read like a curriculum vitae. I suppose this was how this person was valued during their life. I see this on … Continue reading

Posted in 70candles, Death and dying, Gratitude and Spirituality, Inspiration as we age | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Late to the environmental party but making up for lost time…

Barbara Greenleaf   When we were growing up, there was an ethos of hard work: anything you produced of value would have to be serious and difficult to do. Throughout my life, I bought into that idea, big time. This … Continue reading

Posted in 70candles, Goals ahead, HUMOR, Inspiration as we age | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Embracing Old Age

By Amy Bryant “Oh, Amy, you don’t look your age. I would have taken you for _______ (here they insert a number 15 years younger than my number),” and I beam with pride over the compliment. We live in a … Continue reading

Posted in 70candles, Adaptations and accommodations as we age, Aging, Attitudes about aging, Gratitude and Spirituality, Inspiration as we age, Turning 80 | Tagged , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

At age At 72, what words of wisdom would you impart to your progeny? 

Jane Hallowell, Age 72 My sons gave me as a gift a year ago. This involves writing answers to questions they ask me once a week. It also allows me to choose my own questions to answer if the … Continue reading

Posted in 70candles, Adaptations and accommodations as we age, Attitudes about aging, Family matters, Gratitude and Spirituality, Inspiration as we age, Looking ahead, Resilience | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Embracing uncertainty

Amy Bryant, Age 81 Like many of you in the 70Candles generation, I grew up in an era of certainty. Graduate from high school, and college (if affordable), get married, be capable of working (but preferably spend several years as … Continue reading

Posted in 70candles, Adaptations and accommodations as we age, Goals ahead, Gratitude and Spirituality, Inspiration as we age, Looking ahead, Resilience | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Jane Brody on her milestone 80th birthday

Jane Brody Birthday Milestone: 80! – The New York Times 5/18/21, 11:08 AM PERSONAL HEALTH A Birthday Milestone: Turning 80! The secret to a happy and vibrant old age? Strive to do what you love for as long as you … Continue reading

Posted in 70candles, Adaptations and accommodations as we age, Aging, Attitudes about aging, Goals ahead, Inspiration as we age, Looking ahead, Our bodies, our health, Turning 80 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

This second call

Sandi Peters, Age 71 For much of my professional life, I have worked with older people. At 71, I think I should know what the 70ies are about. In fact, I frequently surprise myself. Looking back, I realize that many … Continue reading

Posted in 70 from other perspectives: looking forward and looking back, 70candles, Adaptations and accommodations as we age, Attitudes about aging, Goals ahead, Inspiration as we age, Resilience, Traveling | Tagged , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Happy New Year- Welcome to 2020!

 A new year and a new decade ahead! We, Jane and Ellen send all our best wishes to you, our 70Candles community. We value your thoughts and all your wonderful contributions to this blog. Along with you, we benefit … Continue reading

Posted in 70 from other perspectives: looking forward and looking back, 70candles, Goals ahead, Inspiration as we age, Looking ahead, Stories | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment


I’ve been gathering a collection essays, poems, quotes from books, and other writing that I come upon. I find these inspirational, they strike a chord and feel relevant to my aging self. I’ve decided to share them here and invite … Continue reading

Posted in 70candles, Adaptations and accommodations as we age, Aging, Gratitude and Spirituality, Inspiration as we age, Our bodies, our health, Stories | 6 Comments