Monthly Archives: July 2024

Old and scared – Quite a trip

Diana, Age 79 My husband of 52 years and I have one of those relationships that younger people point out to each other and sigh “I hope that’s us one day.” Fifty-two years of connection – hard fought, hard won. … Continue reading

Posted in 70candles, Adaptations and accommodations as we age, Aging, Attitudes about aging, Caretaking, Dealing with loss, Death and dying, EOL- This end of life, Family matters, Health, Looking ahead, Men aging, Sad about aging | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

My story-falling

By Loretta Parker-Brown Maybe exercising a few times a week and occasionally doing yoga keeps these aging bones strong, or perhaps I’m just lucky. Several months ago, I fell off the bed while dreaming. Until then, I cannot remember falling … Continue reading

Posted in 70candles, Adaptations and accommodations as we age, Aging, Falling, Family matters, Health, Our bodies, our health, Read Stories, Resilience | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment