Follow your bliss

Arline, Age 70

Thank you for this opportunity for me and any women seventy’ish to share their stories.

About ten months prior to turning seventy, I told my husband that I would like to celebrate my seventieth birthday in Italy. I turned seventy on September 30th, 2012. He said, “what?” And I repeated my request. He quickly agreed and we began to plan a month’s vacation to Italy.

Italy had been a dream of mine ever since I was a freshman in college, taking a course in Ancient History. I had this desire to see the Collesium, Pompeii, Rome and many other ancient sites. This dream took quite some time to reappear and seemed to come bubbling up, almost a year before my seventieth. Perhaps it was because seventy began to feel like I was really getting older, and that I wouldn’t have forever to experience such a trip. Given that my husband and I are active, physically fit people with lots of energy, I felt the time was right.

Now almost two months past our return, I am still in awe of that magical country. We traveled from the Dolomites to Amalfi, and many places in between; dinner in Rome with our tour group on the night of my birthday, a night at La Scala to hear and see La Boehm. That was a pleasant surprise as we were able to get Galleria tickets the same day of the performance, and jumped through hoops to do so. We both teard up at the first aria duet. Hiking in the Cinque Terre was another high point literally and figuratively.

So, without going on and on….go for it. Seventy is as vibrant an age as we make it given our state of health, but perhaps more importantly, our state of mind.

I feel so alive from this experience, and also wonder where we might choose to go next in this wonderful world. Following our bliss at this point in our lives seems natural and important. What is your bliss at this time?

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3 Responses to Follow your bliss

  1. hello
    That’s a good post.Thank you for sharing.

  2. Cindy says:

    Isn’t it interesting. I, too, am turning 70 in June 2013. My husband of almost 50 years and I are free of negative health issues. He retired two years ago while I continue to enjoy working and plan to keep it going until I have a reason to stop. You see, I am my happiest when I am up and out in the morning traveling to the job I have enjoyed the past 25 years, knowing I am helping others provides me with the feeling of contributing to something regularly. What’s really interesting, is the fact that we are planning that trip to Northern Italy and Rome in October 2013 for two weeks. We are caring for my 91 year old father-in-law and trying to keep him in his home (aging in place). He has been the window into our future! We are the beneficiaries of having taken good care in our youth. Every day is a blessing and making the most of the opportunities that come with having two grown children, happily married with five grandchildren, neither living close by, provides opportunities to continue to grow and experience life to the fullest and for as long as possible. Many of our friends, family and neighbors have not been so fortunate. Seventy is good from my prospective. Consider the alternative. I love a rainy day, I love the snow, the cold, the clouds and the sunshine. Just take it all in! Keep moving, eat a healthy diet and enjoy family, good company and great friends for as long as possible. Faith is what sustains us.

  3. Star Carpenter says:

    Hi Arline,
    So glad you visited this blog. I too am celebrating my 70th in mid May of 2013 walking through Tuscany. This trip has been a long dream for me also… I am so grateful for my good health that allows me to make this journey! I am still open to finding my bliss and feel it will come my way if I stay aware of all possibilities.
    May the New Year bring many blessings!

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