An aha! moment for a cranky old lady

Jane almost 74

I had an “aha moment” the other day. I met up with a couple who are friends of mine, and I noticed how one of them barked orders at the other and the subsequent hurt look on her partner’s face. I immediately began to criticize her behavior in my mind.

Later in the day I was thinking about this, and I began to realize that I criticize just about everybody all the time. And I’ve been doing this for many years.

How toxic is this? No wonder I often feel down. What is my problem? I analyze everyone and so often get upset because people don’t behave the way I think they should.

I have become a cranky old lady right before my very own eyes!

I’ve been living alone for the past three years now, and this has been getting to me. So, I decided to move into a 62+ independent living apartment complex that is in the same neighborhood as my son and grandkids. I’m thinking that this will result in a better social life. I won’t be spending so many hours alone. I do have a lot of friends, but still, I spend most of the time by myself.

I feel like I’m turning a corner and am able to step back and observe and accept situations whereas before, I would have been critical. It’s a much lighter feeling not sinking into that negative quagmire. I’m hoping I will continue to open my heart in this positive way and that when I move, I can start fresh with a new group of potential friends.

I have a feeling of hope now and actually am realizing that it is possible to continue to grow, even at almost age 74.

This entry was posted in 70candles, Adaptations and accommodations as we age, Aging, Goals ahead, Loneliness, Looking ahead, Older women connecting, Where to live and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to An aha! moment for a cranky old lady

  1. Gerrie Howard says:

    What a truly inspirational letter Jane.
    I hope life is kinder to you now.
    Loneliness is a huge problem it today’s world with
    all it’s technology. I feel it myself although I do
    have a partner. Well done you for moving into
    Independent living. I would like to do the same.
    Lots of luck and happiness.

  2. Evelyn eskin says:

    What a healthy thing to do! Connection is the key to satisfaction and you have made a decision that will guarantee built-in connections! Congratulations, and lots of luck in your new home.

  3. Jane says:

    I so appreciate your insightful comment.

  4. Hazel says:

    It is huge that you recognized this, analyzed it and chose to address it for yourself most of all, and for others. Kudos and God bless.

  5. Yvonne says:

    Thank you for sharing this lovely insight you experienced. Hard not to judge others but yes, it separates us from them and interferes with our own enjoyment of life. A good reminder for the vast majority of us.

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