Age is a mind set


Anonymous,  Age 73

I am turning 73 this January.  I live on my own…I have had a very busy life and experienced many wonderful things.

I am self employed and working!  I love my work as a designer.  I have worked through two marriages…It is important to me to stay in the best shape I can, learning new technology, looking great, “a bit of cosmetic stuff” to boost the self esteem, and trying to being current on everything! I have two wonderful grand daughters 19 and 22, who keep me on my toes…I drive a sports car and live in a loft; the stairs are great…travel when I can…

I don’t think age means a lot; it’s how you feel.  It’s a mind set…we have to keep moving and active to get the most from our lives.  The one thing I stay away from are “Old Age” venues etc…it’s just plain scary…I’m leaving that for the very last experience.


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One Response to Age is a mind set

  1. mary hirsch says:

    You sound like a Kindred Spirit because I share your attitude to a “T.” You keep in shape, up on technology and work, without dwelling on the typical, boring stuff that is, simply, part of ageing – like a Classic car, which is what we are. You, my dear, should live next door! And, no, we wouldn’t hang out knitting or baking cookies; we’d be OUT, looking fabulous and making history!

    My Best to you!
    Mary of Boston

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