Seeking connections

Susan,  Age 69
I would just like to connect with someone who was born that long ago. Sometimes I feel I am a bit too outrageous for my age, i dont conform to what people expect, but my boys love me for that. I have always been true to myself but that has landed me in trouble. I just want to know what women of my generation think. I think we are amazing. I am a Kiwi, but it doesnt matter where you come from, I just love our generation, and all that we have experienced, travelling the world in my younger days and older days. Just want to find a place that I can be myself.

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3 Responses to Seeking connections

  1. Jacqueline says:

    Another 69 year-old female here …. I wish I could say I was outrageous …. kudos to you. The older I get, the more I admire ‘individuals’. Why did I spend so much time ‘fitting in”?

  2. Hanna says:

    Hi, I am exactly your age, and a Kiwi citizen. Your words are deeply echoing. Lived 10 years in NZ, became a citizen, but actually was born in Europe. I am a happy and optimistic person. However at my age, many women either withdraw, or live in a closed circle. I think, my energy is too much for them. Now I live in my 6th country. Learning my 6th language seems to be a challenge, not to mention making meaningful friendship, while being a firecracker in a very conservative culture. My husband works, but I sold my business, which I loved, so I need to look around where to live and what to do. Apparently love travel and like change. But leaving friends behind and starting over at our age is getting to me. I have many nice friends all over the word, but they hardly left their city. I decided searching for more online friends, in order to share our experiences. Hope you will be one of them. Please let’s try and see.

  3. Aruns says:

    Hey am interested to interact with you.

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