Living as I age

Mari, Almost 72

Someone once said I ought to call Mel Brooks; he could make a great story of my life.

Growing up in the Midwest as the first daughter to live after my mother lost her first born @ only a couple days old! I later came to realize that perhaps my job was to prove that I would not die like Rita Diane did

I am writing to you because I am approaching 72 in a few weeks and am once again reading (yes, among other things I am a bibliophile): 70 THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU TURN 70.

I wanted to share my story with you as I have been wanting to start a blog on being in the world not of the world. (I have a brand new Apple computer and I don’t even know my password; thus being a technophobe it’s not happening)

I have 6 licenses and degrees
Cosmetology (modeled for Olympic hair competition)
Women’s studies major
Facilitator for Clarity Institute
Reiki And Yoga instructor certifications
Image consultant with AICI CERTIFICATION specializing in Fashion Feng Shui.

I have served on a board for survivors of sexual abuse and did an internship at center for homeless in South Bend Indiana
Currently I’m a STEVHEN Leader for STEVHEN ministry
(Oh, and back in the day I met 3 of the 4 BEATLES, and partied with Andy Warhol.)

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3 Responses to Living as I age

  1. Evelyn Eskin says:

    You have such an interesting story to tell. Keep writing and sharing….

  2. Janel says:

    Janet John, thank you. I hope people will offer different perspectives on getting this resolved. However, I don’t think there is a solution. I do know there is a different attitude on parenting which includes no boundaries.

    What I should do is write a blog on the humorous blog on human behaviors.

  3. Janet John says:

    Loved your post- seriously believe there is a good book waiting to be written! Hope you will write it and let us all know.

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